Thursday, August 7, 2008

Minutes of the Board Meeting of the Needle Arts Guild of Toledo - June 4, 2008

The Board of the Needle Arts Guild of Toledo met on June 4 at the home of President Maria Nowicki at 6:30 pm. Maria, Treasurer Nancy Wright, Secretary Annette Hill, Past President Marianne Mussett, ROC Representative Anna Kerlin, and Newsletter Editor Su Pellitieri were present.
Treasurer Wright reported that the checking account balance is $1270.86, the savings account balance at Charter One Bank is $1070.86, the savings account balance at Fifth Third is $1050.21. The Fifth Third CD is due for renewal in August.
Maria reported that she received an email from Luann Glover of the Toledo Weavers Guild. They are seeking teachers for projects for a November program designed to teach teachers projects to pass onto classes. This is co-sponsored by the Ohio Art Education program. The deadline to sign up is the end of June. Maria will share the details with our members at the regular meeting. The teachers who volunteer will not be paid, but the cost of supplies for the projects will be provided.
Caren Scarbrough will teach Chottie’s plaid at July meeting. She has procured permission to copy the instructions for our use. A copy of the book will be sent to us to use as a door prize that night.
After the next meeting we need people to stay afterward to move library stuff to our new location in cupboards in a storage room our behind current location.
Regarding our recent First Sunday event, we had about 9 members present demonstrating embroidery and we had four children and three adult participants in our plastic canvas stitching project. Some of the adults appeared to be nuns who were learning the technique to pass on to children in their classrooms. Maria left a message with Patty Toneff at TBG, advising her to continue to advertise for us in the same way for each month that we do it.
Su will contact Cathy Studer for the list of Secret Stitcher pairings for the past year to be sure that we have the information at the coming meeting.
Maria reported that Caren provided information to her concerning our weekend stitch-in which is scheduled for November at the 577 Foundation in Perrysburg. Participants who wish to purchase the book will need to pay $22.00. Purchase of the book is optional. Others may take notes on the process for constructing the cloth books that we will be making that day. The book is by Pam Sussman and is entitled “Fabric Art Journals.”
There is an Arts in the Garden organizational meeting later this month (June), and Anna will attend the meeting. It is probably too late to organize a raffle. The wreath raffle for Heralding the Holidays this year will probably be just for NAGT benefit.
Regarding our annual show, Su encourages that members promote our show. She has posters printed, but she will make it available for printing online. Members will be asked to take prepared posters or print them themselves for distribution. She has revised the entry form and will have them available soon.
Anna reported that our June Children’s program has one participant signed up so far. Annette will have design charts copied and available at the monthly meeting.
Diane Myers has sent out information to 15 prior members to come to our Potluck in June. She has also stitched decorative pins to distribute to long-time members. Marianne will provide paper products, forks, spoons and cups for the potluck.
We will discuss at the monthly meeting whether we should consider sorting out our library while we are moving the collection and perhaps donating some of the books to libraries. We will investigate getting rid of our noisy old coffeemaker and finding something quieter.
Maria reported that PBS’s Antique Roadshow filmed a segment at the Louisville office in the national exhibit. Maria will burn a copy of the show to DVD, and we will show it at an upcoming meeting.
Maria suggested that in June for our getting to know each other prompt – we will ask members about their most frustrating project.
The meeting was then adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,
Annette Meyer Hill

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