Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Minutes of the Board Meeting of the Needle Arts Guild of Toledo


The Board of the Needle Arts Guild of Toledo met at the home of its President, Marianne Mussett, on Thursday, September 6, 2007 at 6:30 p.m. In addition to Marianne, Karlyn Thomson, Anna Kerlin, and Annette Hill were present.

Marianne reported that Toledo Botanical Garden has sent us an invoice for our annual fee in the amount of $120.00. Because we were not provided meeting space for our July meeting, we will deduct one month’s fee. Marianne will write a letter in explanation.

Treasurer Karlyn Thompson presented an email from TBG regarding Heralding the Holidays. We have been charged $50.00. In past years, we have not had to pay because we run the raffle for the event to raise money. We have also not had to provide volunteers due to the time our members spend manning the raffle table. They have a Heralding the Holidays organizational meeting the first Thursday of the month and we are to send a representative to those meetings. We will ask for a non-board member to attend for NAGT, since we have a conflict with our board meeting. We also need someone to be in charge of the raffle. Karlyn also reports that our savings account balance is $2053.95 and our checking account balance is $1944.46. We had $78.40 in expense for printing and postage. We also refunded Marge Toth’s dues to her family subsequent to her death.

Some members are reportedly disappointed about our October class being scaled back. If members do not want to participate we will refund their deposit, provided that they give Kay notice before the kits are ordered up.

We need a Nominating Committee for next year, and nominees for President, Program Chairman, and Treasurer. The nominees will be presented at the October meeting, and voting will take place in November. We can also start looking for a show assistant chairman for next year.

Diane Myers emailed a report to Marianne about show progress. Everything is well planned and we have all of the volunteers which we will need. The biggest concern is the time constraints that we will face during judging and set up.

Karlyn sent a report to Su updating our membership list, which she prepared by cross-checking it with actual dues paid, we have reduced the membership list to about 45 members. This will reduce the number of newsletters being mailed out unnecessarily. Marianne has been provided with potential member contacts that Su received through the website and will follow up with phone calls to advise them of our show.

Marianne will ask for reports about regional seminar. We have “Get It Finished” at September meeting. Our program is Huck weaving, taught by Katherine Thompson.

The meeting was then adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Annette Meyer Hill

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Minutes of the Board Meeting of the Needle Arts Guild of Toledo

August 2, 2007

The board of the Needle Arts Guild met at the home of President Marianne Mussett on August 2, 2007 at 6:30 pm. The following members were present: Marianne Mussett, Su Pellitieri, Karlyn Thompson, Maria Nowicki, Donna Mohn, Annette Hill, Diane Myers and Anna Kerlin.

Marianne reported that she has contacted Anita Streeter, the Executive Director of EGA, about one time a year membership renewal. Anita advised that this policy has been considered before, but regional directors were against it. She personally is in favor of once a year renewal, and recommended that Marianne contact Carol Dewitt at GLR to suggest it again. Marianne will write to her to ask them to consider it again.

Secretary Annette Hill reported that she would be typing June minutes soon. Donna Mohn took minutes at the July meeting, and Annette will type all outstanding minutes and email them for inclusion on the web site.

Treasurer Karlyn Thompson reports that our savings account balance is $2053.95. In April, May and June we earned $8.79 in interest. Our checking account balance is $1667.66.

Board members discussed the number of members we had volunteering at the 1st Sunday events in May and June. We had about 9 members each month. Anna will keep track in the future.

Diane Myers provided to Secretary Annette Hill the letters written on behalf of our nomination of Kay Griffith for the Golden Needle award for our records.

Outreach Chairman Beth Thompson asked Marianne for an update from Diane about bookmark projects for the Outreach Program. Diane would like to invite the director of the Penta programs to our October meeting to accept our donations of bookmark awards. Beth has reported our Brooks kit donations twice to our regional officers for her periodic reports and no mention is given in Needlearts about our programs. Annette suggested that the Needlearts publication probably needs separate submissions.

Diane Myers is writing a tribute to Marge Toth for our newsletter and asked for information on how long she had been a member. Our records are incomplete and Diane will be contacting our national office for information.

Show Chairman Diane Myers provided entry forms to Show Registrar Su Pelitieri, and will be bringing additional forms to the meeting for members to use to enter the show. Diane also has flyers available to promote the show. Diane wants to have new ribbon for “Best of Show,” instead of “Judge’s Choice.” We have received feedback that judges pick their favorite instead of a best of show. Marianne wants to take it to the membership for discussion and asked for definitions of what our ribbons mean from Diane. We will present the suggestion of a new ribbon to the membership.

Maria reports that Timeless Stitches in Tecumseh is donating $25.00, and Kaleidoscope already $25.00 for show expenses for which they will receive credit in our promotional literature.

Cathy Studer will help the judge during show judging on Friday. Donna Halpin will be our judge this year, and won’t be staying overnight. Su needs to know how the judge wants to handle critiques. Karlyn will need the judge’s Social Security number.

The board discussed our options for memorializing deceased members. For Shirley Fisher, we collected $190 and NAGT contributed another $110 to bring it up to $300. For Joyce Merrill, we passed the hat and made a donation to EGA. For Jean Malcolm, who was not active recently, but had been a member for many years, few members knew and we did nothing. The board decided to continue to decide on a case by case basis because the situations vary so much.

Marianne is going to investigate the cost of a post office box for our use since national and regional apparently have difficulty updating addresses when we get new officers.

Regarding membership, the board discussed how many members we actually have. Information from national does not coincide with our records.

Marianne discussed last month’s fiasco when TBG cancelled our room reservation and substituted a room that only accommodated 15 people. Because our meeting attendance is between 35 and 40 members, we needed to find another meeting place. The meeting was held at Something Extra. Marianne was emailed on July 3 about this for our meeting on the 11th and was not able to connect with the TBG contact until the Monday before the meeting. Marianne and other officers spent many hours making alternate arrangements and contacting members. Marianne and several members attended the ROC meeting and vented. TBG apologized profusely, but our general feeling is that this might very well happen again. Marianne will write a letter to TBG asking for credit for the displacement with a reduction to our rent.

Marianne thanked Karlyn Thompson for great refreshments at the July meeting. The meeting was then adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Annette M. Hill

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Minutes of the Board Meeting of the Needle Arts Guild of Toledo

May 3, 2007
The Board of the Needle Arts Guild of Toledo met at the home of President Marianne Mussett on May 3, 2007 at 6:30 pm. Besides Marianne, her cats and her dog, there were four other board members present: Karlyn Thompson, Donna Mohn, Anna Kerlin, and Annette Hill.

Treasurer Karlyn Thompson reported that our bank account balances are: savings $2045.16, checking $1250.39, and CD $2000.00. She paid our dues for this quarters’ renewal in the amount of $152.00 for national, and $8.00 for regional. The Budget Committee delayed its meeting due to Maria’s illness, but will be meeting soon.

Resident Organization Council Representative, Anna Kerlin reported on the recent meeting led by President of the Board of the Toledo Botanical Garden, Mimi Creutz. There are plans to add a visitor’s center at the Bancroft Street entrance, and a children’s center. They are considering setting up artist’s booths in rows this year for the Crosby Festival of the Arts in June, to make it easier to locate artists. Since the recent association of the TBG with the City of Toledo, TBG does have some revenue coming in from the City, but it will be important for the levy to pass in November to complement that funding. The city only provides about 50% of the operating budget. Some of the money from the city is being used for needed repairs. TBG has a new logo. The Garden has paid off the greenhouse debt.

Anna also reported that Janet Schroeder called her on Sunday about our guild’s participation in the 1st Sunday event, Open Art, on Sunday, May 6. They want us to do more than just sit and stitch. We will be in the Terrace Room with the Miniatures group. They want us to have a little project to teach. Anna is developing ideas and will provide materials . The event is scheduled from 12 noon to 4 pm. For Art in the Gardens on the first Sunday in August, we will handle the raffle. Annette Hill will stitch a scissors case to donate as a prize. The ROC wants all signs for various organizations to look the same this year. We need to put together little projects to teach at upcoming1st Sunday events. There is some funding from corporate sponsors for supplies.

Marianne has received our charter as a Resident Artist Organization at the Toledo Botanical Garden. The Board discussed the annual report which is mentioned in the charter, listing events held there and the number of people in attendance, with a description of the programs offered. Although we have probably not filed this in the past, it may be to our benefit to document the programs that we sponsor at TBG.

Donna Mohn, Membership Chairman, will keep in touch with EGA national about the transition in the administration of membership renewals in their office. Marianne is considering writing to national to request that membership renewal be done once a year, and prorated for new memberships to implement this. Donna will be collecting from plural members each January.

Our trial blog now has minutes posted for the February, March and April meetings. It also has our newsletters. Marianne continues to investigate the potential uses of a blog to distribute information on the internet.

Plans for our annual show are coming along fine.

Marianne received an email from Sandy Nicolai regarding the regional seminar in Madison, Wisconsin in 2008.

The meeting was then adjourned. The next meeting is scheduled for June 7 at Marianne’s home.

Respectfully submitted,
Annette Meyer Hill

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Minutes of the Board Meeting of the Needle Arts Guild of Toledo

April 5, 2007
The Board of the Needle Arts Guild of Toledo met at 6:30 pm at the home of President Marianne Mussett on April 5, 2007. Marianne opened discussion of our nominations for the Gold Thread Award. Our chapter nomination is due by May 5, 2007. We will discuss potential candidates at the monthly meeting. We want input from experienced members who have attended seminars about what qualities they look for in the award winner.

Anna Kerlin advised that we have invited TBG Volunteer Coordinator, Cindy de Saint Victor to our potluck in June to discuss volunteer opportunities at TBG. We will ask members to update our email list with their email addresses. We will try to forward TBG emails to all email members, in order to assure that in short notice situations information gets distributed to as many members as possible.
TBG has volunteer opportunites on May 10, May 11, May 12, and May 13 during the annual Plant Sale. Gardening organizations do not have to do any additional volunteer work because they already do garden work. Our group can volunteer to do weeding and other garden work during the week.

Marianne advises that our By-Laws require approval of an Annual Budget. We receive about $650 income annually from dues. We need to decide what it is most important to provide to members for their money. How to cut expenses? The show loses money. Marianne, Maria and Karlyn will meet as a Budget Committee and use our last annual report as a starting point.

Su Pellitieri says that our next newsletter mailing will beat the postage increase. We have discussed internet options for disseminating information in the internet in lieu of a mailed newsletter. Some members will want paper newsletters and we will always provide this. It is possible that we could charge those members a surcharge for that service. Su will investigate over the next few months ways to adjust her format so that we can try other options, such as posting to a blog. Marianne will announce the sample blog that she created to the guild for them to try out and give us feedback.

Treasurer Karlyn Thompson reported the following balances in our bank accounts: $2044.61 in the checking account, $1330.39 in the savings account, and $2000 in the newly opened CD, for a total of $5375.00. Expenses recently approved included reimbursement to Donna Cairns for needlework kits mailed to the Brooks-City Base medical facility in the amount of$112.42, and to Su Pellitieri for newsletter expenses totaling $97.00. At our monthly meeting we will ask if we want to continue to send kits to military as part of the Outreach.

Regarding the Membership Committee, Marianne has asked Karlyn and Donna to work together to save steps in membership administration. Su has been asked to be a member of this new Membership Committee in charge of maintaining the roster. Future rosters are to have renewal dates listed for each member.

The board discussed ways to reduce the costs associated with our annual needlework show. In recent years, we have rented 16 banquet table sized tablecloths, incurring approximately $80.00 expense each year. Su advises that Hancock fabrics will be closing their Airport Highway location in the coming months. When they do their clearance, we will investigate purchasing fabric for tablecloths. Marianne has a contact who might be liquidating catering supplies and might have tablecloths. She will investigate potential purchase. Printing costs are a large part of our show expense. Diane will ask for guild members to help with publicity for the show. We will try to get someone who will print the show booklets for free.
The meeting was adjourned. The next board meeting is scheduled for May 3, 2007 at 6:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Annette Meyer Hill

Minutes of the Board Meeting of the Needle Arts Guild of Toledo

March 1, 2007
The Board met at 6:30 pm on March 1, 2007 at President Marianne Mussett’s home. In addition to Marianne, the following board members were present: Treasurer Karlyn Thompson, President-Elect Maria Nowicki, Membership Chairman Donna Mohn, Secretary Annette Hill, and Resident Organization Representative Anna Kerlin.

Marianne advised that she had received update information for the President’s notebook, including a new Petite Project, Purple Mountain Majesty.

Karlyn reported that she has most of the arrangements done to update the CD account information. Nothing has been done to change the officers signed on to the checking and savings accounts, though. Treasurer’s reports will again be more fully presented in itemized form at the regular meetings so that members are more informed. It has come to the board’s attention that we have gotten away from our usual audit procedures. Our By-Laws set out the requirement that we have a three member committee review our annual Treasurer’s Report for audit before it is submitted to National EGA.

Karlyn reported that we have cashed out our recently matured CD and moved the interest of $533.33 to our checking account. Our current balances are: $2044.05 savings, $1199.81 checking, and in our CD $2000, which is for 9 months earning 5% interest.

Marianne relayed feedback from Diane Myers regarding our consideration of using One Seagate as the venue for our annual show. She has concerns about parking. Other members have expressed concerns about being in downtown Toledo on the weekend. Nancy Foth, head of the branches at the Sanger branch of the TLCPL, has indicated to Marianne that the library is very interested in making space available for us to have the show at a branch. There would be no charge if we limited it to four days. Diane has spoken with Mary Mayer at the Way library in Perrysburg, and the rooms there would cost us $50 for the Thursday evening, $100 each for Friday and Saturday, and $100+ for Sunday. We have also been offered the Fenwick Gallery. We are going to advise the membership of our options in the newsletter, and we must decide at the March meeting where we are going to have the show.

Anna reported for ROC. TBG is developing a general management plan, and requested input from each member organization. They gave very little notice, and wanted the input by March 1. There is a survey form available. Annette will make copies and have them available at the meeting for all members.

The Board then discussed options available for reducing our newsletter expense. Marianne is investigating the use of a blog with restricted access for our information dissemination. The Toledo Botanical Garden has a website and is willing to make space available to us on it. We would still have to produce some sort of newsletter for those who don’t have internet access. A lot of the information need not be repeated in every newsletter. For instance, an officer’s list could be distributed at the beginning of the year. General policies need not be repeated in every letter. We will continue to investigate our options, and after we have dealt with our show arrangements, we will move on to dealing with this issue later. Marianne is checking on whether there is any EGA requirement to have a newsletter. We must send minutes to our state liaisons, and various officers send in reports. Any website we establish must meet EGA requirements which are set out in the President’s notebook.

Respectfully submitted,
Annette Meyer Hill

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Minutes of the Board Meeting of the Needle Arts Guild of Toledo

February 8, 2007
The Board met on Thursday February 8, 2007 at 6:30 pm at the home of President, Marianne Mussett. In addition to Marianne, Karlyn Thompson, Anna Kerlin and Annette Hill were also present.

Marianne advised us that she had reviewed the 10 year old policy statement written about spending from the Education Fund which was created after the death of Evelyn Goodeman. It is understood that no new policy need be written. We will, however, spend the remaining funds at a slower rate than previously.

Marianne suggests that to streamline general meetings, we discuss all business issues very thoroughly at the board level and take specific recommendations to the membership. Most members don’t want to discuss the issues that thoroughly. All present board members concurred. Our meeting format will be to start promptly at 6:30 with a business meeting, ideally lasting only 30 minutes. We will re-institute a refreshment break, which will follow. The meeting will then wrap up with the program.

Cindy de St. Victor will speak for 5 to 10 minutes at our March meeting with suggestions about how we can pick up volunteer hours.
In an effort to find ways to cut expenses for the guild, the board discussed our spending for the past few years. This past year we spent $447.00 for the newsletter. With dues at $40.00, and there being about 40 to 65 members, this means that most of the dues allotted to our local chapter is spent on the newsletter. Our editor has been queried about using the internet to distribute our newsletter, and her reply indicated that if we decided to use the internet, then she would not be the editor any longer. It was also noted that our show expenses were $682.00 and that some of those expenses could be cut back, such as the $80.00 for rental of table linens. It has been suggested that our Treasurer, Karlyn Thompson, detail expenses and revenues in her monthly report to the guild members. Our treasury currently has a balance of $1510.72 in the savings account, and $1199.81 in the checking account.

Marianne advises that we need a Historian to organize our exhibit photos and memorabilia.

Marianne reported on her discussions with TBG Director, Janet Schroeder. She cannot waive any rental fees for us. Marianne advised her that we would need to look for other locations for our show then. In that effort, Diane Myers has advised Marianne that she is still checking into details about renting the Way Library facilities. Marianne has checked with the Toledo Lucas County Public Library. Meeting rooms may be rented for 4 days per calendar year by any particular group. They can be consecutive days, but they would only be open until 5 pm. We would have to close our show earlier than usual, in order to have time to take down our exhibit. The best option appears to be One Seagate. Fifth Third Bank is moving into the facility and is willing to let us use the lobby exhibit area for free. Parking may not be as convenient, but it is available, and the display would be much more visible than at other locations. Katherine Thompson advised Marianne that the Fenwick Gallery is available to us at no charge as well. It is located out on Central Avenue, and we are not sure about the amount of space available there.
The Board will recommend that the show be presented at One Seagate.

The Board discussed reinstituting refreshments, and Annette Hill agreed to bring cookies for the February meeting. Karlyn Thompson will bring a large supply of tea bags. The guild has a hot water urn. Marianne will procure coffee singles packets and paper ware.

The next regular meeting is scheduled for February 14. The March Board meeting will be on March 1 at Marianne’s home.

Respectfully submitted,
Annette Meyer Hill