Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Minutes of the Board Meeting of the Needle Arts Guild of Toledo

August 2, 2007

The board of the Needle Arts Guild met at the home of President Marianne Mussett on August 2, 2007 at 6:30 pm. The following members were present: Marianne Mussett, Su Pellitieri, Karlyn Thompson, Maria Nowicki, Donna Mohn, Annette Hill, Diane Myers and Anna Kerlin.

Marianne reported that she has contacted Anita Streeter, the Executive Director of EGA, about one time a year membership renewal. Anita advised that this policy has been considered before, but regional directors were against it. She personally is in favor of once a year renewal, and recommended that Marianne contact Carol Dewitt at GLR to suggest it again. Marianne will write to her to ask them to consider it again.

Secretary Annette Hill reported that she would be typing June minutes soon. Donna Mohn took minutes at the July meeting, and Annette will type all outstanding minutes and email them for inclusion on the web site.

Treasurer Karlyn Thompson reports that our savings account balance is $2053.95. In April, May and June we earned $8.79 in interest. Our checking account balance is $1667.66.

Board members discussed the number of members we had volunteering at the 1st Sunday events in May and June. We had about 9 members each month. Anna will keep track in the future.

Diane Myers provided to Secretary Annette Hill the letters written on behalf of our nomination of Kay Griffith for the Golden Needle award for our records.

Outreach Chairman Beth Thompson asked Marianne for an update from Diane about bookmark projects for the Outreach Program. Diane would like to invite the director of the Penta programs to our October meeting to accept our donations of bookmark awards. Beth has reported our Brooks kit donations twice to our regional officers for her periodic reports and no mention is given in Needlearts about our programs. Annette suggested that the Needlearts publication probably needs separate submissions.

Diane Myers is writing a tribute to Marge Toth for our newsletter and asked for information on how long she had been a member. Our records are incomplete and Diane will be contacting our national office for information.

Show Chairman Diane Myers provided entry forms to Show Registrar Su Pelitieri, and will be bringing additional forms to the meeting for members to use to enter the show. Diane also has flyers available to promote the show. Diane wants to have new ribbon for “Best of Show,” instead of “Judge’s Choice.” We have received feedback that judges pick their favorite instead of a best of show. Marianne wants to take it to the membership for discussion and asked for definitions of what our ribbons mean from Diane. We will present the suggestion of a new ribbon to the membership.

Maria reports that Timeless Stitches in Tecumseh is donating $25.00, and Kaleidoscope already $25.00 for show expenses for which they will receive credit in our promotional literature.

Cathy Studer will help the judge during show judging on Friday. Donna Halpin will be our judge this year, and won’t be staying overnight. Su needs to know how the judge wants to handle critiques. Karlyn will need the judge’s Social Security number.

The board discussed our options for memorializing deceased members. For Shirley Fisher, we collected $190 and NAGT contributed another $110 to bring it up to $300. For Joyce Merrill, we passed the hat and made a donation to EGA. For Jean Malcolm, who was not active recently, but had been a member for many years, few members knew and we did nothing. The board decided to continue to decide on a case by case basis because the situations vary so much.

Marianne is going to investigate the cost of a post office box for our use since national and regional apparently have difficulty updating addresses when we get new officers.

Regarding membership, the board discussed how many members we actually have. Information from national does not coincide with our records.

Marianne discussed last month’s fiasco when TBG cancelled our room reservation and substituted a room that only accommodated 15 people. Because our meeting attendance is between 35 and 40 members, we needed to find another meeting place. The meeting was held at Something Extra. Marianne was emailed on July 3 about this for our meeting on the 11th and was not able to connect with the TBG contact until the Monday before the meeting. Marianne and other officers spent many hours making alternate arrangements and contacting members. Marianne and several members attended the ROC meeting and vented. TBG apologized profusely, but our general feeling is that this might very well happen again. Marianne will write a letter to TBG asking for credit for the displacement with a reduction to our rent.

Marianne thanked Karlyn Thompson for great refreshments at the July meeting. The meeting was then adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Annette M. Hill