Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Minutes of the Board Meeting of the Needle Arts Guild of Toledo


The Board of the Needle Arts Guild of Toledo met at the home of its President, Marianne Mussett, on Thursday, September 6, 2007 at 6:30 p.m. In addition to Marianne, Karlyn Thomson, Anna Kerlin, and Annette Hill were present.

Marianne reported that Toledo Botanical Garden has sent us an invoice for our annual fee in the amount of $120.00. Because we were not provided meeting space for our July meeting, we will deduct one month’s fee. Marianne will write a letter in explanation.

Treasurer Karlyn Thompson presented an email from TBG regarding Heralding the Holidays. We have been charged $50.00. In past years, we have not had to pay because we run the raffle for the event to raise money. We have also not had to provide volunteers due to the time our members spend manning the raffle table. They have a Heralding the Holidays organizational meeting the first Thursday of the month and we are to send a representative to those meetings. We will ask for a non-board member to attend for NAGT, since we have a conflict with our board meeting. We also need someone to be in charge of the raffle. Karlyn also reports that our savings account balance is $2053.95 and our checking account balance is $1944.46. We had $78.40 in expense for printing and postage. We also refunded Marge Toth’s dues to her family subsequent to her death.

Some members are reportedly disappointed about our October class being scaled back. If members do not want to participate we will refund their deposit, provided that they give Kay notice before the kits are ordered up.

We need a Nominating Committee for next year, and nominees for President, Program Chairman, and Treasurer. The nominees will be presented at the October meeting, and voting will take place in November. We can also start looking for a show assistant chairman for next year.

Diane Myers emailed a report to Marianne about show progress. Everything is well planned and we have all of the volunteers which we will need. The biggest concern is the time constraints that we will face during judging and set up.

Karlyn sent a report to Su updating our membership list, which she prepared by cross-checking it with actual dues paid, we have reduced the membership list to about 45 members. This will reduce the number of newsletters being mailed out unnecessarily. Marianne has been provided with potential member contacts that Su received through the website and will follow up with phone calls to advise them of our show.

Marianne will ask for reports about regional seminar. We have “Get It Finished” at September meeting. Our program is Huck weaving, taught by Katherine Thompson.

The meeting was then adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Annette Meyer Hill